Sunday, December 6, 2009

Aging Lite - Gifting Idea!

I know this may seem like a shameless attempt to promote my book, but I guess that is exactly what it is! When I originally wrote Aging Lite: A Baby Boomer's Health Planner for Women, it was for my master's project for my degree in gerontology. I was passionate about it then as I am now and was determined to get it out to women everywhere. My advisor laughed when I told him I was going to publish it. He didn't know me very well.

Planning for health in the long term is just not in the conversation yet today. Of course we try to take care of ourselves so we can live as long as possible, but most people don't approach their health like they approach retirement planning, investing, accomplishing projects at work or even going on vacation! Aging Lite is all about "the plan" and sticking to it. Very few of us would have any savings set aside at all if we approached our financials like we do our health. What a difference if we did!!!

Aging Lite is kind of like a thump on the head by your mom saying "where do you want to be, here are the basic rules for getting there, now take them and plan out how you personally will make it." Lots of food for thought in the book. Lots of exercises to get you thinking - long term. Easy read for us busy women.

So I know I will never get rich on this little publication, but if I can make a difference for women out in the world, wherever they are, that is my dream for this book. That's why I wrote it. It's very inexpensive and priced right for a great gift for any women you care about in your life. If you click on the book to the right, it'll take you to my publisher's website where you can purchase it or multiple copies. Enjoy!!!


  1. There is nothing wrong with shamless self promotion..I do it all the time!! Whoot..Wonderful idea would make a wonderful gift for any woman!! I love that you are passionate about what you do..I am also very proud of you!!Love you hon,Sarah

  2. A very interesting way of comparing our planning of our aging health to our retirement funds! I've never thought of it that way but it is so true. After all, what good is the retirement fund if we don't have our health to go along with it? Love your to check out the book!

  3. My granny used to say "if you don't toot your own horn who is going to tootith it"!!!!!!! Well done!

  4. Since I have your book, I can promote it wholeheartedly! Everyone needs one! xo

  5. Just dropping by to wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas!!

  6. Hope you had a Merry Christmas and will have a happy new year. Sandie
